Quality International School +256 706 943 132 Email: info@qis.ac.ug
QINES is an inclusive school that nurtures curiosity, creativity and global awareness through an inspiring, broad and engaging curriculum. Children learn to become resilient and respectful in an environment where each child is challenged and encouraged to thrive and achieve as an individual.
Mission Statement : To provide high quality childcare learning in a safe and clean environment
Our Vision : Empowering pupils to become confident compassionate and internationally minded learners.
This policy has been developed by Quality International School.
These procedures are reviewed annually to ensure compliance with current regulations
Key staff involved in internal appeals procedures:
Certain GCSE, GCE and other qualifications contain components of non-examination assessment (or units of coursework) which are internally assessed (marked) by Quality International School and internally standardised. The marks awarded (the internal assessment decisions) which contribute to the final grade of the qualification are then submitted by the deadline set by the awarding body for external moderation.
This procedure confirms Quality International Nursary and Elementary School’s compliance with JCQ’s General Regulations for Approved Centre's that the centre will:
Teachers will communicate clearly to candidates the deadlines for submitting internally assessed work/ coursework.
Quality International School is committed to ensuring that whenever its staff mark candidates’ work this is done fairly, consistently and in accordance with the awarding body’s specification and subjectspecific associated documents.
Quality International School ensures that all centre staff follow a robust Non-examination Assessment Policy (for the management of GCE and GCSE non-examination assessments). This policy details all procedures relating to no examination assessments for GCE, GCSE and Project qualifications including the marking and quality assurance/ internal standardisation processes which relevant teaching staff are required to follow.
Candidates' work will be marked by staff who have appropriate knowledge, understanding and skill, and who have been trained in this activity. Quality International School is committed to ensuring that work produced by candidates is authenticated in line with the requirements of the awarding body. Where a number of subject teachers are involved in marking candidates’ work, internal moderation and standardisation will ensure consistency of marking.
On being informed of their centre assessed marks, if a candidate believes that the above procedures were not followed in relation to the marking of his/her work, or that the assessor has not properly applied the marking standards to his/her marking, then he/she may make use of the appeals procedure below to consider whether to request a review of the centre's marking.
Quality International School will:
The outcome of the review of the centre's marking will be made known to the head of centre who will have the final decision if there is any disagreement on the mark to be submitted to the awarding body. A written record of the review will be kept and made available to the awarding body upon request.
The awarding body will be informed if the centre does not accept the outcome of a review.
The moderation process carried out by the awarding bodies may result in a mark change, either upwards or downwards, even after an internal review. The internal review process is in place to ensure consistency of marking within the centre, whereas moderation by the awarding body ensures that centre marking is in line with national standards. The mark submitted to the awarding body is subject to change and should therefore be considered provisional.
This procedure confirms compliance with JCQ’s General Regulations for Approved Centres that the centre will:
Following the issue of results, awarding bodies make post-results services available. At Quality International School this is done through liaison with the subject teacher and/or a member of the senior leadership team. The candidate then completes the consent form before the Exams officer submits the request to the exam board.
Candidates are also made aware of the arrangements for post-results services and the availability of senior members of centre staff immediately after the publication of results, before they sit any exams by the Exams Policy on our website.
If the centre or a candidate (or his/her parent/carer) has a concern and believes a result may not be accurate, post results services may be considered.
The JCQ post-results services currently available are detailed below
Where a concern is expressed that a particular result may not be accurate, the centre will look at the marks awarded for each component part of the qualification alongside any mark schemes, relevant result reports, grade boundary information etc. when made available by the awarding body to determine if the centre supports any concerns. For written components that contributed to the final result, the centre will:
Written candidate consent (informed consent via candidate email is acceptable) is required in all cases before a request for a RoR service 1 or 2 (including priority service 2) is submitted to the awarding body. Consent is required to confirm the candidate understands that the final subject grade and/or mark awarded following a clerical re-check or a review of marking, and any subsequent appeal, may be lower than, higher than, or the same as the result which was originally awarded. Candidate consent must only be collected after the publication of results.
For any moderated components that contributed to the final result, the centre will:
Where a candidate disagrees with a centre decision not to support a clerical re-check, a review of marking or a review of moderation, the centre will:
If the candidate (or his/her parent/carer) believes there are grounds to appeal against the centre's decision not to support a review of results, an internal appeal can be submitted to the centre in writing to the Exams Officer at least 10 working days prior to the internal deadline for submitting a request for a review of results.
The appellant will be informed of the outcome of his/her appeal before the internal deadline for submitting a RoR.
Following the RoR outcome, an external appeals process is available if the head of centre remains dissatisfied with the outcome and believes there are grounds for appeal. The JCQ publications PostResults Services and JCQ Appeals Booklet (A guide to the awarding bodies’ appeals processes) will be consulted to determine the acceptable grounds for a preliminary appeal.
Where the head of centre is satisfied after receiving the RoR outcome, but the candidate (or his/her parent/carer) believes there are grounds for a preliminary appeal to the awarding body, a further internal appeal may be made to the head of centre. Following this, the head of centre's decision as to whether to proceed with a preliminary appeal will be based upon the acceptable grounds as detailed in the 7. Where relevant, advise an affected candidate to inform any third party (such as a university or college) that a review of marking has been submitted to an awarding body
Written candidate consent (informed consent via candidate email is acceptable) is required in all cases before a request for a RoR service 1 or 2 (including priority service 2) is submitted to the awarding body. Consent is required to confirm the candidate understands that the final subject grade and/or mark awarded following a clerical re-check or a review of marking, and any subsequent appeal, may be lower than, higher than, or the same as the result which was originally awarded. Candidate consent must only be collected after the publication of results. For any moderated components that contributed to the final result, the centre will:
Where a candidate disagrees with a centre decision not to support a clerical re-check, a review of marking or a review of moderation, the centre will:
If the candidate (or his/her parent/carer) believes there are grounds to appeal against the centre’s decision not to support a review of results, an internal appeal can be submitted to the centre in writing to the Exams Officer at least 10 working days prior to the internal deadline for submitting a request for a review of results. The appellant will be informed of the outcome of his/her appeal before the internal deadline for submitting a RoR.
Following the RoR outcome, an external appeals process is available if the head of centre remains dissatisfied with the outcome and believes there are grounds for appeal. The JCQ publications PostResults Services and JCQ Appeals Booklet (A guide to the awarding bodies' appeals processes) will be consulted to determine the acceptable grounds for a preliminary appeal.
Where the head of centre is satisfied after receiving the RoR outcome, but the candidate (or his/her parent/carer) believes there are grounds for a preliminary appeal to the awarding body, a further internal appeal may be made to the head of centre. Following this, the head of centre’s decision as to whether to proceed with a preliminary appeal will be based upon the acceptable grounds as detailed in the JCQ Appeals Booklet. Candidates or parents/carers are not permitted to make direct representations to an awarding body.
The internal appeals form should be completed and submitted to the centre within 10 working days of the notification of the outcome of the RoR. Subject to the head of centre’s decision, this will allow the centre to process the preliminary appeal and submit to the awarding body within the required 30 calendar days of the awarding body issuing the outcome of the review of results process. Awarding body fees which may be charged for the preliminary appeal must be paid to the centre by the appellant before the preliminary appeal is submitted to the awarding body (fees are available from the exams officer). If the appeal is upheld by the awarding body, this fee will be refunded by the awarding body and repaid to the appellant by the centre. Candidates or parents/carers are not permitted to make direct representations to an awarding body.
The internal appeals form should be completed and submitted to the centre within 10 working days of the notification of the outcome of the RoR. Subject to the head of centre’s decision, this will allow the centre to process the preliminary appeal and submit to the awarding body within the required 30 calendar days of the awarding body issuing the outcome of the review of results process. Awarding body fees which may be charged for the preliminary appeal must be paid to the centre by the appellant before the preliminary appeal is submitted to the awarding body (fees are available from the exams officer). If the appeal is upheld by the awarding body, this fee will be refunded by the awarding body and repaid to the appellant by the centre.
© 2025 Quality International School