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Pearson Edexcel

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Pearson Edexcel

iProgress with Pearson Edexcel

We lead the way in digital teaching, learning and assessment with Onscreen assessment capabilities.

Pearson iProgress is Globally recognized and famous for modular qualifications protecting learners in times of uncertainty​

  • Evidence of performance & good standards.
  • Multiple exam opportunities throughout the year.
  • Proven university progression.
  • Comparability with GCE AS/A Level.

Progression & Recognition

Our qualifications combine a progressive approach with international content, allowing learners to achieve their full potential in today's global economy.

Demanding, rigorous and empowering, learners are developed to Pearson's world-class standards and equipping students to achieve their full potential at degree level.

Created in consultation with world-leading Higher Education Institutions, our International Advanced Level (IAL) qualifications open doors for students to progress to the most prestigious universities in the world and onto global careers.

University Recognition

Over 1000 universities worldwide recognize Pearson Edexcel International A level qualifications for entry.

80% of the World University Ranking Top 20 Universities from all favourite education destination globally recognise IAL qualifications for entry.